Beauty is only skin-deep, or so they say. I disagree. That's a notion that's highly idealistic, optimistic and removed from reality. To be crude, that's a load of crock.
When was the last time you saw an (forgive my lack of political correctness here) ugly girl get EXACTLY whatever she wanted in life? Or have things go her way all the time? Or have people be nice to her at all stages? Stop scratching your head, you haven't. Because it DOESN'T happen.
During my adolescent years, I didn't have the good fortune of being a looker. Not that I have a face that could launch a thousand ships now either, but things have definitely improved since about 6 years ago. Let it suffice to say that puberty pushed me down, kicked me around a few times, and then did a Mexican hat dance on my self-esteem. I'm just glad it's over.
Let me illustrate what I mean when I say things have improved now. I don't remember a single time back in college when I have cut lines at government offices, or had anyone LET me cut lines. I didn't get discounts at stores for no reason, I didn't have strangers offer me their seat on the bus. In short, I didn't get squat as far as unexpected favors or strokes of luck were concerned. Cut to the present. I still don't have Moses parting the seas for me. But I do get the occasional freebie, the occasional discount at petty stores. I do have people offer to let me get ahead in lines once in a while. And sometimes, I have people being nice to me for no reason. For instance, a couple of nights ago I was out with friends at an exhibition, the kind where you bargain till your throat turns hoarse so that you buy something that you didn't really need/want anyway? Anyway, I ended up getting home late-ish, and had to take an autorickshaw back at 11 pm. I scrounged around and found an auto driver who was willing to get me back for merely 4 times the actual tariff. I tried to make him settle for thrice the tariff , after much haggling got him to semi-agree. When I reached home and handed him the money and asked for change, he obviously only gave me back how much he wanted to. I made my displeasure apparent, but didn't create half the ruckus that I would have, had it been broad daylight. Now, people who know Hyderabadi auto drivers will tell you that wild horses cannot keep them away from the fare THEY want to charge you. But this guy saw me make a sulky face, and as I alighted from the auto, handed me the extra change back and said "Madam please don't be angry, here's your change. Good night." - WITH A SMILE! The optimists might argue that that's because niceness isn't always calculated, that sometimes people *ARE* nice for no reason, but once your Prozac induced stupor fades, you'll realize there is no such thing as "just being nice". This isn't cynicism, it's realism. It took me a while to get there, but I realized that good looks take you far, and that a pretty looking girl often has fortunate things happen to her that not-so-pretty girls do not.
So there you have it ladies! Whether or not good guys finish last, pretty girls always finish first. Break out your make-up , dust off those high heels and polish those accessories, because your fortunes don't come easy, and they certainly don't come if you're dowdy! So look good, even if you're not always beautiful on the inside, or in the words of Charles Baudelaire in Les Fleurs du mal (Flowers of evil) -
What do I care if you are good? Be beautiful, and be sad!