Its like I was
drowning..and someone pulled me up to the surface...Not everyone is given
a second chance...very few are even given a first..I am grateful for my
new lease on second chance...I'm scared, but a good kind of
scared..I'm apprehensive, yet grateful...
that stems from being thrown into something new and having to deal with it all
by yourself..but the good part comes in when you see that you are able to deal
with it..that you DO have the intellect you believed you did...that the person
who told you you were useless was wrong, and you were right...
Gratitude that comes
from knowing that you dodged a bullet..that it could have been much
worse..gratitude from knowing that there are people standing by you..Strength
for me comes from mom and dad, their faith in me has never wavered, and for
that I will be forever grateful. My rocks are my girls...they've picked me up
before I fell, and held onto to me till they knew I wouldn't anymore.....As for
my faith in myself, well, that's been reaffirmed by the confidence that my
friends and colleagues have shown in me..its gratifying and overwhelming to
once again be treated like an intellectual, to be given credit for having a not be given to believe that there is only so much I am capable be told that the sky is the limit, and to be allowed to believe it.
I know that this time
too shall pass..after all, there's always light at the end of the tunnel ,
right? It is karma that has brought me here, and it is karma that shall
take me forward from here... Many have not got and will not get this chance to
re-live what they want to, and to redefine themselves according to their
terms...I have..
I was bound so tight
in restraints, chained to a rock, and thrown into the sea, then someone cut me
loose...and now I'm free...
And so give your best shot at generating appropriate karma (politically correct words )