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Showing posts from March, 2009

What is it about people?

1] People who make their gtalk/gchat status - "this is what I had for dinner last night" AND uploading a picture of it as the display pic (err...does it look like I care???) 2] People who write blogs and display msgs addressing movie stars, rock bands and celebrities (RIIIIGHT- because they've just been dyyyyyying to hear from you. AND breathlessly check your blog and gchat status everyday to find out what you think about them) 3] People who use "ma/ lyk /da" and the ilk (Come ON! Are you telling me that ALL the money your parents spent sending you to school went down the pooper???) 4] People who wear their jeans below their underwear (Come on kid, PULL UP YOUR PANTS!) More later :D

Off the top of my head...

Friendship is a weird thing. You spend months, sometimes YEARS thinking someone is your friend..and one fine day you figure how little you actually know about him/her. I've recently learnt a lot about friendship...some of which I wish I hadn't learnt..then again, its not ALL bad.. Someone I had considered a friend for a while now did something no friend ever would, or should..another one of my best friends showed a side of himself I had never seen before, which completely perplexed me..then again, someone I hadn't spoken to in years recently became someone who talked me through a very bad time, and continues to talk me through ...well... graduate school ;). And then I made a friend in 3 days, who I think will be a best friend for life. The significant other , who I met a relatively short while ago, has fast become one of the best friends I ever have, or ever will make :) I repeat myself when I say- weird, this friendship was so much simpler as a kindergarten ...